Diamond offers unique possibilities for
particle detector applications.
This is
due to its tightly bound lattice which
results in extraordinary electrical,
mechanical and thermal properties. Its
atomic structure results in few free charge
carriers and hence very low leakage currents
in the presence of an external electric
electrical properties are determined largely
by its
bandgap of 5.45 eV, which is so much
larger than typical thermal energies at room
temperature. The pure or “intrinsic”
material has a resistivity in the region
10E+13 – 10E+16 ohm cm, making it in
electrical terms an insulator, although it
is often referred to as a semiconductor
because of the close similarity to
conventional semiconductors like silicon and
germanium. As with these materials, doping
is possible, the introduction of boron
yielding p-type diamond.
However attempts to generate n-type diamond, usually by phosphorus doping, have encountered difficulties. Its high carrier mobility also suggests that as a simple ionization detector intrinsic diamond should work well. Table 1 lists some of the physical parameters of diamond along with silicon and gallium arsenide. One property which is not immediately apparent from the table is the radiation tolerance of the material. We will return to this later. One of the few drawbacks of diamond is that the number of electron-hole pairs created by a minimum ionizing particle in diamond is smaller than in silicon (see Table 1).
smaller signal stems from the larger band
gap in diamond and hence the larger energy
necessary to create a pair. However, when
the signal collection distance, the average
distance of separation before electron and
hole recombine, approaches the thickness of
the material, the signal in diamond will be
half as big as that in silicon. Then the
many other advantages of diamond become real
The other potential drawback is the cost of acquiring sufficient diamond to instrument a significant surface area. Advances in the Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) of diamond over the last decade make the production of large sheets of synthetic diamond relatively affordable. As a result of development work undertaken to produce high-energy physics detector prototypes the charge collection distance in CVD diamond has increased from a fraction of a micron six years ago, to over several hundred microns today.
improvement comes from learning to grow CVD
diamond with low defect densities and large
crystallites. One way to accommodate a lower
signal in a sensor is to reduce the noise in
the readout electronics. Here, several of
the physical properties of diamond are true
assets. The low leakage currents which
result from the material of high resistivity
imply reduced shot noise. The dielectric
constant of diamond is half that of silicon
(eC = 5.7, eSi = 11.9) thus all load
capacities, in a comparably laid-out diamond
sensor, will be half those found in silicon.
These facts lead to lower noise
figures than
for comparable silicon detectors.
Electron and hole mobilities in CVD-diamond
are large (1800 cm2/Vs and 1600 cm2/Vs,
respectively) leading to fast collection
times. In addition, diamond is an excellent
thermal conductor, a property which can
possibly be exploited for intelligent
integrated cooling concepts of pixel vertex
Tab.1 Comparison of
materials properties between diamond and
other semiconducting materials
Bulk single
crystal |
CVD diamond film |
Properties |
Diamond |
Si |
GaAs |
SiC |
cBN |
Polycrystal |
Heteroepi |
constant (A) |
3.567 |
5.431 |
5.653 |
4.359 |
3.615 |
(g/cm3) |
3.52 |
2.42 |
5.32 |
3.16 |
3.48 |
(W/cm K) |
20-150max |
1.5 |
0.5 |
4.9 |
13 |
constant |
5.68 |
11.7 |
10.9 |
9.7 |
7.1 |
index |
2.41 |
3.44 |
3.75 |
2.48 |
2.12 |
(eV) |
5.47 |
1.11 |
1.43 |
2.23 |
6.6-8.0 |
5.47 |
5.47 |
5.47 |
s) |
Electron |
1800 |
1350 |
8600 |
1000 |
1500 |
Hole |
1600 |
480 |
400 |
70 |
450 |
<100 |
~300 |
(homoepi) |
Energy to creat e-h pair [ev] |
13 |
3.6 |
4.2 |
Radiation length [cm] |
12 |
9.4 |
2.3 |
Avarage signal [e] 100 um |
3600 |
8000 |
13000 |
velocity (10^7 cm/s) |
2.7 |
1.0 |
2.0 |
2.7(e) |
field (10^5 V/cm) |
100 |
3 |
4 |
30 |
course, the main interest in diamond, as a
replacement for silicon, lies in its
significantly greater radiation tolerance.
Work continues to understand the ultimate
dose that diamond will survive in a particle
There are three primary manifestations of
radiation damage in solid state sensors. One
is the trapping of moving charges which
reduces the signal, the second is an
increase in the effective doping
concentration Neff which changes the space
charge in the detector substrate material
The tightly bound lattice structure of diamond suggests that it will be insensitive to large doses of radiation. Previous studies of neutrons and 1.5 MeV electrons have shown that natural diamond is very resistant to both types of damage. Exposing CVD diamond samples to photons (1.2 and 1.3 MeV) from a 60Co source and to 5 MeV alphas, no damage was seen from the photons, while the charge collection properties were unchanged beyond fluences of 10E+13 alphas per cm2.
This leads us to conclude that diamond sensors
survive fluences beyond 10E+15 cm2, which
should allow their use at radii of less than
10 cm in a general purpose LHC tracker. At
this stage it only remains to test material
of the highest possible quality to ensure
that it is no less radiation tolerant.
In conclusion we can assert that silicon sensors are the heart of the next generation of high-energy physics trackers. Plans to construct strip and pixel detectors and configure them in the LHC experiments are well advanced. Still radiation resistance in the inner-most regions of these experiments remains a concern. CVD diamond sensors offer a possible cure for the finite lifetime of silicon in these regions. In the coming year it should be possible, by actively working with manufacturers, to obtain large-area high-quality CVD diamonds.
- N. Wermes Characterization
of a Single Crystal Diamond Pixel
Detector in a High Energy Particle Beam
July 2006.
- M. Krammer,, et al CVD diamond sensors for charged particle detection, Diamond and Related Materials, Volume 10, Issues 9-10, September-October 2001, Pages 1778-1782
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